Saturday, December 28, 2019

Contributions Of Prominent Women s Islam - 1005 Words

Bushra Hameed 12B March 21, 2017 Contributions of Prominent Women in Islam The introduction of Islam into the early Arab culture elevated the status of women. Women became warriors, contributors to education, and political leaders. Throughout Islamic history until present day, Muslim women have proved their importance within society through varying means of bringing the community together. During the time of Muhammad (SAAWS), many women had contributed to Islam and its rapid spread. Nusaybah Bint k’ab Al Maziniyyah, also known as Umm Umarah, was a member or the Bannu Najar tribe residing in Madinah and had embraced Islam with strength. Nusaybah demonstrated her strong will as one of the two women who followed the†¦show more content†¦The masjid later â€Å"housed the university which became a major center of advanced learning in medieval times in the Mediterranean. Al-Qarawiyyin University is credited with producing many distinguished Muslim thinkers including Abdul-Abbas, the jurist Muhammad al-Fasi, and Leo Africanus, the famous author and traveler† (Saulat, 2014). Having founded the University of Al-Qarawiyyin in 859, approximately 1200 years have passed, and the university continues to provide education in various religious and physical sciences. Fatima al-Fihri left her legacy as she had â€Å"pioneered a model of higher learning† (Sa ulat, 2014). Women’s elevated status due to Islam allowed them to act as leaders when necessary, so women were allowed to lead in Yemeni monarchy. Queen Arwa was orphaned at an early age and was adopted by her aunt and uncle. Her aunt, Queen Asma, educated with the future Queen Arwa in poetry and Quran. Arwa married the crown prince whom had later passed away along with his parents causing Arwa to have to rule the people of Yemen. â€Å"Queen Arwa focused her attention on the welfare of her people, setting up several centers for education for cultural and religious studies.† (Ambreen, 2010). Queen Arwa was able to peacefully lead the Yemeni people with Islam in mind for fifty years. Her contributions enabled the people to continue to work towards their education. Continuing the ideaShow MoreRelatedContributions Of Prominent Women s Islam1326 Words   |  6 PagesContributions of Prominent Women in Islam Context The role of women in Islam has evolved over time. During the time of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as well as the era that shortly followed the Prophet’s death, women were given a great sense of power, freedom, and rights. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Summary of People and Empires - 844 Words

Summary of People and Empires. This book is a Short History, of western empires which explain how European civilization and includes chronology of key events are influenced by the empires that was formed in it, like the Roman empire. It starts with Alexander and his Greek army and ends with the EU. Major events between these two events are empires like the Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire, the Catholic Church as an Empire, the Spanish Empire, British Empire, and the European Colonial influence into the 20th Century. The book begins with Alexander, an ancient Greece king. Alexander life became a tale of the elision of knowledge and understanding with power. In the middle ages, Alexander became a legendary figure whose desire to subjugate the entire world. He did not even came close but did manage to conquere the Persian Empire, Anatolia, Syria, Phoenicia, Judea, Gaza, Egypt, Bactrian and Mesopotamia. However, Alexanders empire grew to fast. He could not manage both Europe and Asia. As a result, other empires took ov er, starting with the romans. By the late sixth century Rome had a republic government, but through a series of civil wars, the roman republic turned into the Roman Empire under a military control. Republics have been able to create empires, they have all, fallen prey to the ambitions of the strongest and most influencial among them. This is what became of the Greek city-states, and it is what finally became of roman when the empire had grown too big.Show MoreRelatedAnalysis of Jeffersons Theories1086 Words   |  4 PagesAccording to Thomas Jefferson, kings are the servants, not the proprietors of the people. In his bold document, Summary View of the Rights of British America, Jefferson pompously but intelligently lays down his argument against British rule over the colonies. Jefferson takes it upon himself to offer advice to King George III, who he addresses personally in this treatise. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Custom and Traditions of Italy free essay sample

Custom and Tradition of Italy Greetings in Italy When we introduced to an Italian, we should say ‘good day’ (buongiorno) and shake hands (a single pump is enough). ‘Hello’ (ciao) is used among close friends and young people, but it is not considered polite when addressing strangers unless they use it first. Women may find that some men kiss their hand, although this is rare nowadays. When being introduced to someone in a formal situation, it is common to say ‘pleased to meet you’ (molto lieto). When saying goodbye, you should shake hands again. It is also customary to say ‘good day’ or ‘goodbye’ (arriverderci or, when addressing only one person, arrivederla) on leaving friends say ciao. Kissing in Italy Italian families and friends usually kiss when they meet, irrespective of their sex. If a lady expects you to kiss her, she offers her cheek and between members of the opposite sex, the kiss is deposited high up on the cheek, never on the mouth and is not usually really a kiss, more a delicate brushing of the cheeks accompanied by kiss noises. We will write a custom essay sample on Custom and Traditions of Italy or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page There are usually 2 kisses, first on the right cheek, then on the left. It is also common in Italy for male relatives and close male friends to embrace each other. Lei and Tu When talking to a stranger, particularly older Italians, you should use the formal form of address (lei), do not use the familiar form (tu) or call someone by their Christian name until you are invited to do so. Generally the older or in a business context, senior person invites the other to use the familiar tu form of address and first names. The familiar form is used with children, animals and God, but almost never with your elders or work superiors. However, Italians are becoming less formal and younger people often use tu and first names with colleagues. It is customary to use lei in conversations with shopkeepers, servants, business associates and the local mayor. Invitations If you are invited to dinner by an Italian family, you should take along a small present of flowers, pastries or chocolates. Some people say you must never take wine, although this obviously depends on your hosts and how well you know them. If you do bring wine, it is unlikely to be served with the meal, as the wine will have already been chosen. Italians say ‘good appetite’ (buon appetito) before starting a meal. If you are offered a glass of wine, wait until your host has made a toast (salute! ) before drinking. If you drink too excess you are unlikely to be invited back. Dress code in Italy Italians dress well and seem to have an inborn sense of elegance and style. Presentation and impression are all-important to Italians and referred to as bella presenza or bella figura literally mean ‘beautiful presentation or figure’. Italians generally dress well and appropriately, tending to be more formal in their attire than most northern Europeans and North Americans. Italians consider bathing costumes, skimpy tops and flip-flops or sandals with no socks strictly for the beach or swimming pool, and not the street, restaurants or shops. They also choose the occasions when they wear jeans carefully, as these are not thought appropriate for a classy restaurant or church. Other Customs If you have a business appointment with an Italian, he will expect you to be on time, although he will invariably be 5 or 10 minutes late. If you are going to be more than 5 minutes late, it is wise to telephone and apologies. Italians usually exchange business cards (biglietti de da visita) on business and social occasions.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Technology and Innovation Committee †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Technology and Innovation Committee . Answer: Introduction Internet of things is expanding on a large scale or globally and basically a hot technology worldwide. The term IoT was first introduced by Kevin Ashton in 1999 and refers to uniquely identifying objects and their virtual representations in an internet-like structure. IoT can be defined as the wide area of network devices that are connected to the internet, include Smart Phones an, gadgets and tablets and almost in all the devices the sensors has been attached to all the useful technologies (National Informatics Center,2017). IoT are basically the machine to machine technology that is actually bringing a change to the society by bringing a new kind of super visibility without any human intervention. It usually introduce to make predictions or to prevent service outages and the real time analysis of a technology. It is the ability to transferring of a data over the network without any source of interaction between human or human to computer interaction. IoT involves three different stages: Identification and addressing the sensor device i.e., those sensors which will be going to collect the data. An application is used to collect and analyzing of data for the consolidation purpose. Transmission of data and decision making to the server. Naming of an Object- Internet identifies the specific server on which the content is stored for the work performance. Individual matter stored in the server cannot be accessed in the network because the current internet is the end points to the hosts. Privacy/Security /Authority- It is essential to keep the data stored for the privacy and security so that no harmful or malicious activities can affect to your personal data because the more loss in security or privacy, the more unwanted communication becoming rampant Presence (people, devices)- It have become a challenging issue for developing a mechanism which generally track or accepts to the request, stores the information and transfers the source of information with the interaction between people and devices. Geographical Location- For providing the services of the IoT applications, it is necessary to identify the location information for this physical location of objects must be known and awareness should be present for the location. Discovery/Research- Information should be available and stored for the discovery of objects to provide the suitable services for objects to automatically identify and characterizing of objects using the semantic ontology. Tracking Mobile services of mobile object- To support routing process and mobile protocols, the IoT networks have characterized in a proper format. Generally some objects move independently while other objects move in a group. Data Processing/ computing- In the IoT technology to support various applications information is available to move the objects, operating under the varied perceptions without any involvement of humans (Ren, 2015). Heterogeneous networking environment- In this each object has different information and processing capabilities. Every Object has conditions for the communicating of networks such as power energy usability and communication bandwidth requirement. It is heterogeneous in terms of coverage, date rate, etc. Global Connectivity- In this each object should provide the connectivity to end to end communications. It acquires a big number of IP addresses in order to have unique identification of each object. For global interoperability, IP is considered for connecting to the smart objects. Literature Review The Internet of things and its relevant technology can integrate with the various kinds of networks instruments and devices. IoT is playing an essential role when the technology entered globally from the traditional technology to the latest technology and has been gaining the attention of researches from academic, industry and government organizations in recent years. The future in IoT going to represent the real world objects into virtual objects (Lee and Lee, 2015.).It tries to uniformly perform actions in our world under a common source providing not only the controllable things but also keeping us informed the actual state of the things. Concepts of Internet of Things Data Volume Security and Reliability Networks and Communication Services and Applications Societal Impacts and Economic Values. There are various concepts or involved in IoT: The main concept of IoT is Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) - It is generally a network grouped in a large amount of sensor nodes where each and every individual node station is been implemented with a sensor involved for detection or to trace the physical phenomena such as the environmental issues. It has become the key and plays the important role in the IoT. The idea of IoT was developed in parallel to WSNs. Various types of nodes in IoT: Sensor Nodes- It can be defined as a sensor network that is capable of performing a tasks like processing of the node, collecting the important information and communication of the nodes connected to the network. Sink Nodes-In wireless sensor networks, the collection of data by the sensor nodes are moved further to a sink node. The place of a sink node is been kept on a higher priority which has a big impact on the energy consumption and lifetime. Gateway- It refers to a piece of networking hardware that has some importance in a communication networks. The main role played by it is to protect the nodes within the network. It basically serves as an entry and exit point of a network. In Communication Network the target is moving bits from one place to another for In the WSN the data moved from one location to another location is not the actual goal. Its main challenge is to provide the meaningful information or data and accessibility to the data and its actions ( Xu et al, 2014). It should have the best quality of service usually it comes from the multimedia and its applications. The nodes usually gets damaged and generally run out of the power, and generally it create kiosk when the two nodes create the kiosks or been interrupted. Generally the life of the nodes is very limited and for that the energy efficient operation can be necessity (Chen et al, 2014). The current scenario in the latest technology in IoT The OECD Ministerial conducted a meeting on the digital Economy i.e. "Tomorrow's Internet of Things". They have accepted a bigger challenge in the society that is to provide source of information and the opportunities provided and the challenges that are achieving a bigger task to the origination of latest technologies. The main concern by the ministry made on the various and the latest technologies to involve the society to interact with the latest technologies for the brighter future. The Initiatives was taken in various was: Digital Health Feedback System and Big Data Analytics Energy Plan on Smart meters and Smart Grids. Smart city projects in Denmark. Act of Processing in the IoT space by the United States Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Allocating Spectrum for V2V communication (Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation Committee on Digital Economy Policy, 2017). References Chen, S., Xu, H., Liu, D., Hu, B. and Wang, H., 2014. A vision of IoT: Applications, challenges, and opportunities with china perspective.IEEE Internet of Things journal,1(4), pp.349-359. Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation Committee on Digital Economy Policy, The Internet of Things: Seizing the Benefits and Addressing the Challenges, viewed 31 August 2017, from Krco, S., Pokric, B. and Carrez, F., 2014, March. Designing IoT architecture (s): A European perspective. InInternet of Things (WF-IoT), 2014 IEEE World Forum on(pp. 79-84). IEEE. Lee, I. and Lee, K., 2015. The Internet of Things (IoT): Applications, investments, and challenges for enterprises.Business Horizons,58(4), pp.431-440. Madakam, S., Ramaswamy, R. and Tripathi, S., 2015. Internet of Things (IoT): A literature review.Journal of Computer and Communications,3(05), p.164. National Informatics Center, Internet of Things (IoT) Research Initiative, viewed 31 August 2017, from Ren, L., 2015, Data Storage Security Summit: IoT Security: Problems, Challenges and Solutions,from: Xu, T., Wendt, J.B. and Potkonjak, M., 2014, November. Security of IoT systems: Design challenges and opportunities. InProceedings of the 2014 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design(pp. 417-423). IEEE Press.