Monday, September 30, 2019

The Prohibition of Cigarettes

Writing 101 17February2011 The Prohibition of Cigarettes I thought about the question, â€Å"Should the manufacture of cigarettes be prohibited† and I don’t really believe that saying â€Å"yes† to this question would be of benefit to those who are pro cigarettes or against cigarettes. The question basically appears to make out that the manufacture of cigarettes, and only cigarettes, should be prohibited. There are many campaigns against the usage of cigarettes as we can see television commercials clearly stating that smoking causes cancer or attempting to deglamorize cigarettes.Many people have seen the surgeon general warning on a pack of cigarettes claiming that cigarettes can cause â€Å"lung cancer† or â€Å"emphysema. † In a study performed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the study shows that between the year 2000 and 2004 that about 443,000 people in the USA died from a variety of illnesses due to cigarette smoking (citatio n 1). This would certainly be a motivation and a convincing reason to halt the production of cigarettes but we should analyze this proposition more in depth.I believe that the term â€Å"cigarettes† is too narrow to solve any problems, as not everybody smokes cigarettes nor would the halted production of cigarettes solve any public health problems. Tobacco is a better term as it is much more broad and would include cigars, snuff, dip, and other forms of tobacco that contain nicotine. Nicotine is the suspect found in cigarettes that causes an addiction but nicotine can be found in the other forms of tobacco.Stopping production of â€Å"only cigarettes† simply means that current cigarette users may, switch to another nicotine source, quit smoking, or choosing an alternative nicotine source such as nicotine gum or the patch. Having been a tobacco user in the past, I know most certainly that many people will not just outright and quit. Prohibiting the manufacture of cigare ttes means that it will be illegal to produce cigarettes but how about the selling or the possession of these products?It will be necessary to outlaw these points of trade if the intended action is to meet with success because if selling and possession are legal then it will be difficult to regulate the circulation of cigarettes within the nation. Though the making of cigarettes are deemed illegal by the government, the creation of cigarettes will certainly not halt as now cigarettes are almost equivalent to that of the marijuana drug trade as there will probably be many people growing and producing cigarettes.The police cannot arrest these people for possession or selling of cigarettes and cannot obtain a justifiable clause to obtain a search warrant to prove that the person may be manufacturing cigarettes which is deemed illegal. One last point would be the idea that cigarettes can be grown in another country such as Canada or Mexico and brought through the border with no problems as possession is not illegal. There are actually quite a few positive reasons to keep the cigarette trade going rather than shutting production down.I have been around the world through my time in the navy and I have seen one of the most popular brands of cigarettes â€Å"Marlboro† just about everywhere that imports tobacco. Take note that I mentioned the term â€Å"import† as in those countries do not make â€Å"Marlboro† cigarettes in their own country. Marlboro is a popular brand of cigarettes made under Phillip Morris which is a subsidiary company to Altria incorporated. Marlboro, in itself, holds about 42% of retail shares of cigarettes in the USA (Citation 2).This is certainly an income to our nation and though I’m uncertain of how much is made through the exportation of cigarettes; it certainly has an effect on the economy which is currently in a depression. Have you ever looked around base and noticed those supposed â€Å"smoke pits† or a designated smoking area? Those â€Å"smoke pits† seem to be next to just about every building on base. Did you notice how many stores sell cigarettes or even the cigarette vending machines here in Japan? How about in movies? Doesn’t the popular stereotypical â€Å"Bad Ass† person in the movies usually smoke a cigarette?Even though direct advertisement through television or magazines is prohibited, cigarettes are still very popular and many people do smoke them and not just in America. The cigarette trade is most likely a very profitable trade based on it’s popularity and demand which would probably put it as a very valuable source of income for the United States. Based on the many cigarette brands I’ve seen from traveling the world, I’ve seen that cigarettes are quite likely a major export for the states as many f these brands are originate from the States. I personally do not deny of the risks caused by cigarette smoking and myself being an ex-smoker, I certainly do not encourage smoking but the plan of prohibiting â€Å"just† the manufacture of â€Å"only† cigarettes does not reflect the best interests of those that are for cigarettes or against cigarettes. Cigarettes are a form of tobacco and the halted production of only cigarettes means that a regular cigarette user will move to another source of nicotine rather than quit.I know personally that quitting is a long process (I still chew nicotine gum four months after quitting). Prohibiting the manufacture of cigarettes in the United States but allowing the sell or possession simply means it will be produced where it’s legal and the carried over through the US’s borders with no issues. We can’t deny that cigarettes are very popular worldwide and thus contribute to the United States economy as a popular export since many popular brands such as â€Å"Marlboro† are made in the United States.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Kaustav Bakshi

Kaustav Bakshi remarks that Tagore defamiliarises the image of a widow in the persona of Binodini. She is depicted as sharp, instinctive and passionate. Through the novel, Tagore seems to portray the natural yet socially forbidden desire of a widow ironically called Binodini – which is a name that often recurs in Vaishnav Kirtan connoting ‘sensuousness and pleasure loving'. She is a rare combination of beauty, grace and intelligence. There is a certain ease and spontaneity with which she carries herself and caters to the need of the people in Rajlakshmi's household. She is a traditional woman in the sense that she is well accomplished in household arts and has the attributes associated with womanhood such as selfless devotion and sacrificial spirit. The process of self realisation in Binodini follows a sequential pattern. She moves from a traditional acceptance of her fate as a widow to a realisation of her need to arise out of this blind acceptance and reaffirm her identity in society. Being an educated woman, her feelings and her outlook to life are characterised by a spirit of modernism. Binodini believes that the only person responsible for her being a young widow was Mahendra who rejected her as his bride even without seeing her. Overcome by a sense of vengeance, she resolves to avenge her humiliation by ensnaring Mahendra in her web of seduction. It is her consuming passion that lends a remarkable human touch to her personality and makes her self-effacement, more significant. The second stage in Binodini's progression is when her insight and intellect come into play. She does not reciprocate the love shown to her by Mahendra as she believes that he is a selfish man who loves neither his wife nor her but only himself. She replies contemptuously to a letter written by the Mahendra: I have no right to love or be loved in this world. That is why I play at love to lighten my sorrow†¦.I implore you again and again, please give me up, do not pester me, do not put me to shame with your shamelessness†¦You may shout and cry, but from me you will get no response whatsoever. (147) As soon as she realizes that this love game is killing her inner self, she decides to leave Mahendra's house emphasizing her power as decision maker.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Narcissistic Leaders Essay

Big business today can be largely attributed to CEOs and leaders that are narcissistic. These leaders tend to be the center of attention more so now days then they used to be which is something a narcissistic person enjoys. Narcissists have been in business for a long time and have made great strides. People such as Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, Thomas Edison, and Henry Ford were narcissists that were very successful business men. Narcissism may have been a good trait to achieve a high status in business but it can also make the person dangerous or not very likable. Heinz Kohut and Freud looked deeper into the theory and found that it could be treated by properly trained clinicians. Jack Welch and George Soros are prime examples of people who are what is called a productive narcissist; they strive to make a difference in the world and make a name for themselves. But narcissism can be bad enough that you believe that things are out to stand in your way of achievement and therefore you trust no one. Narcissists can sometimes become overly ambitious and shoot to high which can cause them to end up losing everything. Gyllenhammar is a prime example, he chose to not listen to anyone and found himself in court being forced to resign. Freud narrowed the main personality types down to erotic, obsessive, and narcissistic. Those with an erotic personality need to be loved by others that is the most important element of life to them. These types of people tend to be teachers, nurses or social workers. At their best, they help better the young and are a big help when working. They have a positive effect on those around them in the workplace. Freud referred to them as outer directed people. Freud referred to obsessives as inner directed. They are very in tune with what is going on and look to themselves to resolve conflicts. They are obsessed with improvement when working because by nature they value moral improvement over everything else. They tend to go into a field of work that spurs their interest but they don’t have what it takes to go from slightly above average to amazing. At their best they shoot high, and do what is necessary for the business to succeed. When productive they work well with others but when unproductive they usually don’t succeed. Narcissists are very self-indulged and don’t care much for others. When it comes to business they know their field inside and out and go above and beyond. Narcissists are extremely hungry for knowledge about their business. They desire to be admired by others but not necessarily loved. Maccoby (2000) states that unlike obsessives, they are not troubled by a punishing superego, so they are able to be very aggressive in pursuit of their goals. Maccoby (2000) goes on to say of all the personality types, narcissists run the greatest risk of isolating themselves at the moment of success. And because of their independence and aggressiveness, they are constantly looking out for enemies, sometimes degenerating into paranoia when they are under extreme stress. Obsessives as leaders tend to try and expand on a safe level that is practical and likely to benefit the company. Narcissists want more, they go all out and take big risks that if they work as planned will greatly benefit the business; but it is not as likely to work. Narcissists may hide it well but they feed of f of praise and recognition of followers. Without that admiration narcissists become overwhelmed, but too much admiration can cause them to feel too superior this can lead to dangerous acts that may be detrimental to the business. Narcissists can’t handle criticism; they remain out of tune with their emotions as much as possible. Due to the fact that narcissists can’t deal with being criticized they tend to completely ignore negative comments toward them. Narcissists also have no compassion what so ever. They can perform acts that may anger or sadden someone without any remorse. They are so independent that they don’t like to mentor anyone or be mentored. Competition is a narcissist’s forte; they get so into it that they would do almost anything to be the best. A trust-worthy sidekick has to be someone they can relate to and keeps him down to earth. They believe that everyone around them should think the same thing that they do even if it involves brainwashing. They are control-freaks, and want to know everything that’s going on at all times. These productive narcissists make good leaders by nature but the rest of them sometimes can’t see their limitations and will end up in trouble. Maccoby (2000) sums this altogether with for companies whose narcissistic leaders recognize their limitations, these will be the best of times. For others, these could turn out to be the worst.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Does the United States Government invest too much money in national Research Paper

Does the United States Government invest too much money in national security - Research Paper Example The US was also said to have provided the Transitional Federal Government with small arms and munitions and paid for some of their training in 2009, although US forces have not been involved directly in training troops. US assistance has been coursed through the Department of State and about US$40,000 has been allocated for Somalia in 2010 through the International Military Education Training (IMET) program. Others were enumerated as funds for Non-proliferation, Anti-terrorism, Demining and Related Programmes - Humanitarian Demining with $1.4 million in 2001, $1.2 million in 2002 and $450,000 in 2003 (Jane's Information Group). In 2008, about $754,000 has been allocated and $2 million was requested for 2010. The budget and concern for Somalia emerged from the star of the civil war in Somalia when lack of strong leadership led for many Somali to join pirates. The lack of formal Somali defense also provided threat to Somali territories making them susceptible to trawlers. The funding provided by the US and other Western countries to Somalia and other African nations are used to maintain state stability, sustain and improve international relations, battle organized crimes, proliferation and procurement of security devices and to counter terrorism and insurgency in the region and the locality The aids provided for Somalia include infrastructure to address a 24/7 aerial relocation and medical evacuation capability within Somalia and improve security in order to sustain the United Nations operation and security of the environment

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Lakeland Wonders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Lakeland Wonders - Essay Example Lakeland wonders is a company run by CEO Cheryl Hailstrom. Cheryl is new at her job (she has been performing her position for six months) and has noticed that many changes need to be implemented in the company for overall improvement.However, the company has been resistant to change. Therefore, Hailstrom is attempting to find ways to resolve this issue.While working in marketing their new CEO Hailstrom was always known to be one step ahead of the rest which was a big factor in increasing the companies growth and financials. The company ability to implement and execute a planning & development strategy has allowed them growth from a small chain of stores to operating over 150 stores.The CEO Cheryl Hailstrom is relatively new to the company. She was brought in only six months ago when Walter Swenson IV wanted to retire, and none of his children showed interest in his business. Thus, she has become the first person not related to the family to hold this high position.Hailstrom's expansi ons ideas, however, do not seem to be successfully taking hold. She has tried several different proposal ideas in order to help the company, but the sales force has only been slowly increasing the calls it had been making without her, and her concept of a bonus plan was received indifferently from union officials. Hailstrom feels that the employees and management in the first are focused on doing things the old way, which means slow production, and not the new way she wants to do things, which focuses on fast production. Furthermore, customers have only shown interest recently in large chain stores, not specialty stores. When Hailstrom first came on board, she experienced several problems within the company. These included self-interest, mistrust, difference perception, and low tolerance. In order to handle the feelings of mistrust and self-interest, difference perception, and low tolerance she used several ideas to brainstorm with her company and her employees. Many of these concepts are reflected in the business strategies of Proctor and Gamble and have worked quite well for that company. She was able to resolve many of these issues by using communication, facilitation and support, negotiation, and sometimes resorting to threats and intimidation. Organizational Diagram: Operations Department: Marketing Overall project Goal: Leland wonders overseas expansion-mid market Major Task Sub-tasks Sub-tasks Sub-task duration As a leader in the toy industry Lakeland wonders marketing department should continue working toward maintaining their highly respectable reputation and work Quality products at an affordable price Continue to use magazines, televisions and internet Through-out company life cycle Expand increase marketing of their logo and brand name Advertise Safety of their products Through-out company Life cycle Operations Department: Procurement Overall project Goal: Leland wonders overseas expansion Major Task Sub-tasks Sub-tasks Sub-task duration Lakeland needs to implement three different external drives for change

Clinical Mentorship in Nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Clinical Mentorship in Nursing - Essay Example Standards for Nursing mentorship includes the question of 'What makes a good nurse' followed by a debate about how such standards can be developed through theory and training. Traditionally clinical students learn skills through the experience of being supervisees, taking on the model presented to them by their supervisor, or by adapting the therapeutic skills learned in their training as therapists. While these methods have some merit they also have considerable limitations like bad practice can easily be handed down from generation to generation without some new import from an external source. While emphasising on teaching clinical setting, I would focus on one-on-one relationship initiated at the behest of the protege. This relationship is marked by high ethical standards and clear boundaries as both parties experience mutual benefits and personal and/or professional growth. Mentoring functions are carried out within the context of an ongoing, caring relationship between the mentor and the protg so I suggest that mentoring is not a single task or training episode, a group experience, or a preassigned relationship that is unidirectional in benefit. The relationship task would help me to lead the professionals towards engaging in the process of self-assessment. Self-assessment has the potential to empower both the mentor and the protege because each may recognise personal strengths and weaknesses and understand how these characteristics may affect the mentoring relationship. Furthermore, it allows mentors and proteges to appropriately and confidently establishes relationsh ips with other like-minded professionals. (Black et al, 2004) If mentoring is to be successful, faculty members must be willing to participate in the relationship and to be informed about the responsibilities of it. For mentors the matter of concern is that they must balance the demands of their positions e.g., clinical caseloads, program responsibilities, teaching, research and service requirements with their availability to students as the impact of these factors affects the ability and desire of some mentors to form meaningful relationships with students. (Black et al, 2004) An analysis of the environment can alert mentors and proteges to the social and political norms of a setting. Conducting a systematic assessment will empower mentors and proteges to recognise and align their abilities, expectations, and responsibilities. Both can actively gauge their compatibility for this type of relationship based on factual information rather than on speculation. (Black et al, 2004) Clinical psychology graduates were surveyed and 38 per cent of trainees reported a major conflict with their supervisor, which inhibited their ability to learn from supervision. Therapeutic orientation, style of supervision and personality issues were the main areas of conflict. (Fleming & Steen, 2003) The Teaching/Learning Task Mentors need to be clinically competent and knowledgeable, and have good teaching and interpersonal skills, that's why I consider myself helpful in supervisory behaviours by giving direct guidance on clinical work, linking theory and practice, joint problem-solving, offering feedback, reassurance and role models. Trainees need clear feedback about their errors; corrections must be conveyed unambiguously so that

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Systems (UAVs) Thesis Proposal

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Systems (UAVs) - Thesis Proposal Example This paper will examine the controversy at hand and examine the validity of these arguments regarding the concerns of not only private citizens and international organizations, but also the military and federal law. This research paper will investigate â€Å"How the development of technology in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Systems (UAVs) has improved the governments objective of minimizing, preventing and anticipating terrorist attacks inside and outside the United States, in spite of controversies affecting citizens privacy regarding constitutional rights.† The use of drones or UAVs to target alleged terrorists networks within the Afghanistan war zone and other foreign regions of conflict has expanded despite of the controversies regarding drone strikes and the collateral damage of killed or injured innocent civilian casualties. The military brass and the government tend to consider these instances, many times as a necessary cost of war therefore an acceptable loss or cost. Regardless of controversies, it appears that the use of weaponized UAVs or drones is here to stay and will only expand in the scope and use of such technologies in the future not only in foreign conflicts but domestically also. Many opponents of the use of drones for conflicts argue that this so called â€Å"drone war† is a symptom of the failure of U.S. ground wars in Afghanistan and they caution against the overuse of such unmanned technologies. Drone strikes have already been reported in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia and even in Iraq where the ground war is ove r and in Afghanistan is dwindling down. The use UAVs will probably become more commonplace since the fight against terrorists will become more decentralized and technologically driven. Clinton Watts, a senior fellow at The George Washington Universitys Homeland Security Policy Institute, argues† I Think this is the future†...It is the most effective tool we have in a counter terrorism

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

How Have African-Americans Worked to End Segregation, Discrimination, Research Paper

How Have African-Americans Worked to End Segregation, Discrimination, and Isolation to Attain Equality anc Civil Rights - Research Paper Example Consequently, various anti-racism movements emerged in order to end this trend of racism against blacks in the United States. Martin Luther King was one of the most famous black activists who paid his life for the sake of ending racism in the United States. The echo of his famous word 'I have a dream' still persists in the ears of activists and anti-racists, in an attempt to make this 'dream' come true. King himself was subjected to sever cases of racism and violence, as "during the 1960s, Martin Luther King Jr. was jailed, beaten, and eventually killed for his leadership in the civil-rights movement" ("Battling Racism: †¦."). In the United States, the year 1963 witnessed a major civil rights mobility with the efforts done by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) in the field of fighting racial segregation. King, president of SCLC is now inspiring civil rights movements all over the United States to resist the social, economic, and p olitical practices that involve racial discrimination and segregation against African Americans. One of the most successful campaigns in this field is the Birmingham campaign, which has witnessed strategic effort that is exerted by King and his SCLC for the sake of promoting civil rights for African Americans. This campaign, which is based in Birmingham, Alabama lasted for more than two months in the spring of 1963, aiming "at ending the city's segregated civil and discriminatory economic policies" (Garrow, 1981). In fact, the effective tactics, strategies, and philosophies followed by King and his organization have played major roles in fulfilling the goals of the campaign in Birmingham, Alabama. The first and most significant aspect of King and his civil rights movement is the adoption of non-violent approaches to reach the goal of ending racial segregation in the United States. This tactic was particularly evident in the Birmingham campaign, where King and his African American fo llowers organized non-violent gatherings, marches, and boycotts in order push the city officials to review the civil laws that are considered by King and his movement unfair. King stressed the resort to non-violent approaches in Birmingham, when he declares that "the purpose of  ... direct action is to create a situation so crisis-packed that it will inevitably open the door to negotiation"(Garrow, 1981). Thus, it can be said that King, and his philosophy of nonviolence, was the dominant force in his civil rights movement that achieved great success in Birmingham. In employing the tactic of non-violent resistance against the practices of segregation, King was a strong believer in the power of non-violent approaches to attain legal demands of equality and abundance of racial segregation. In this context, King was inspired by the character of Gandhi in India, who was a strong advocate of the policy of non-resistance. Witnessing the success of Gandhi and his movement in reaching thei r goals in India, King believed that he also can succeed in forcing his government to abolish segregation laws. Thus, the core reason behind the success of Birmingham campaig

Monday, September 23, 2019

Common Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Common Law - Essay Example was extremely slow points towards false representation and it is arguable that this misrepresentation gives Abigail the right to repudiate the contract on the misrepresentation constituting a condition (Poole, 2006). The burden would be on Abigail to prove this, which may be difficult on grounds that there is no record of her telephone conversation with CableFast. Additionally, as the contract was for the supply of services, the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 implies terms into Abigail’s contract, which cannot be excluded and therefore enforceable against CableFast. The 1982 Act provides that in a contract for the supply of services and where the supplier acts in the course of a business, there will be an implied term that the supplier will exercise reasonable skill and care in delivering the services. The 1982 Act requires the services to be provided to a satisfactory quality and fit for the purpose intended. Therefore, if Abigail can establish breach of these implied terms she will have a claim for breach of contract. The fact that the broadband connection was very poor will operate in Abigail’s favour in establishing breach. Alternatively, as the contract is a business to consumer contract and was concluded via telephone, it will constitute a contract at a â€Å"distance† under Regulation 3 (1) of the Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000 (the Regulations). Most importantly for Abigail is the 7 day cooling off period provided by the Regulations, which enable consumers to cancel the contract during a seven day period. Whilst the Regulations permit businesses to stipulate the conditions and procedures for withdrawal, the right to cancel cannot be derogated from and information regarding the procedure for cancellation must be supplied to the consumer (Regulation 11). As Abigail’s contract was for the provision of services, Regulation 12 provides her with the right to cancel within 7 working days from when the order is

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Cover Letter Basics Essay Example for Free

Cover Letter Basics Essay A cover letter is an invitation for a hiring manager to read your resume. Hiring managers usually have an order to which they read your submitted documents. That order would be cover letter, then resume, and then any supporting documents. You want your cover letter to grab their attention and draw them in. After reading your cover letter they should want to learn more about what it is you have to offer their company. This can be your make or break introduction. First thing first, you need to be prepared. The majority of business’s that you will be applying for positions at, will have a website. Research the company. If not only researching for your cover letter, research the company for yourself as well. A company’s website can give a lot of information on how the company runs, events they hold, how involved they are in the community, etc. Take note of bits of information that you may be able to use for conversation purpose at the interview you are going to get, as well. Check out their company history page. This gives you an idea of how long the company has been in business. Is it a family owned business? Is it a couple of friends that started this business? How many locations do they have? Finding out as much as you can, about how the company got started, can only make you feel more confident and knowledgeable when writing your amazing cover letter. Your interest in the company and not just the paycheck they will be giving you can differentiate you from all the other applicants. Make sure to know the job you are applying for like the back of your hand. Print out the job description. Make a T chart on a sheet of paper. In the left column, make a list of your job skills, abilities, and achievements. In the right column, list the job requirements, duties, and responsibilities. Draw lines connecting the columns where your skills or abilities match up with their requirements (Gardner, 2012). This T-Chart will help you out when writing the body of your cover letter. In today’s competitive job market, companies’ often pre-screen applicants by running applications through a computer program made to weed out unqualified applicants. To make sure your resume is viewed, include critical key words in your cover letter and resume. Since you already have your job description printed out, highlight key words that you could use in your cover letter or resume. For instance, if the job description specifically asks that you be proficient in Microsoft Excel, you want to be sure to include the keywords, Microsoft Excel, instead of just using the word spreadsheets. If the company is specifying they need an employee who is proficient in Microsoft Excel, it is highly possible that those two words will be included in the computer program’s search on cover letters and resumes. Ask yourself what you have done that is similar to what the job requires like classes, work experiences, internships, and volunteering (The Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York, 2012). The layout of your cover letter should have one inch margins all around. The length of a cover letter is important. You want to be precise and to the point but include enough information to make the hiring manager curious about what your resume consists of. Ideally a cover letter should be around two-thirds of a page and contain two to three paragraphs (Newberger, 2009). Start your cover letter by including your contact information at the top of the page. Keep your font and font size consistent with your resume. Make sure your contact information entails your name, address, city, state, zip code, phone number, and email address. It is very important to have an appropriate email address, such as [emailprotected] Do not use an email address that would give the hiring manager reason to think anything other than professional thoughts about you. An email address such as [emailprotected] may cause the viewer of your cover letter to throw your resume out due to the thought of you getting injured in a race and not being able to be helpful to their company. It may be wise to create a whole new email address just for your job search. There is a lot of spam these days and you do not want to take the chance of missing an email from a potential employer due to having 101 new emails coming through a day. Your phone number should be the contact number where you are most available. Whether this would be a cell phone or a home phone, be sure that your greeting message is business appropriate and if you have a ringtone on your phone for people calling you, it would be wise to change to a normal ring during your job search. Again, you do not want any small detail to cause the hiring manager to think anything other than professional thoughts of you. After your contact information is complete, double space to type your potential new employer’s contact information. The employer’s contact information section should include the hiring manager’s name, if at all possible. It should also include their title, company name, address, city, state, and zip code. The reason you want address your cover letter to a specific person is because generalizing a cover letter shows a lazy approach to your job search and can be a turnoff to a prospective employer. This tells an employer that you either don’t care or did not take the time to find out a name, and may have the same attitude when it comes to your work (CVTips, 2012). If the job posting does not specify a name for you to address your cover letter and resume to, there are other ways of finding out. A lot of times company’s website will include a list of their staff, which you would be able to look up the head of the department in which you are applying for the job. If there is not contact information on the website, you can call the company and ask specifically for the name of who is doing the hiring for that certain department. If all the research leaves you without a name, then use Dear Hiring Manager of (include the specific department your potential position is in). This would go for the salutation, as well. The first paragraph will be called your introduction. These few sentences should convey why you are writing the letter. Briefly introduce yourself, state what position you are interested in, and how you heard about the opening. The attention grabber is next, the body.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Biosynthesis, Metabolism, and Utilization

Biosynthesis, Metabolism, and Utilization Different ways glutathione acts to protect mammalian organisms from potentially toxic exogenous and endogenous compounds. Glutathione (GSH or gamma-glutamylcysteinylglycine) is a tripeptide and a sulfhydryl (thiol or -SH) antioxidant, enzyme cofactor and antitoxin that is made up of three amino acids namely L-glutamine, L-cysteine and glycine. The water solubility nature make it to be found in the cell cytosol and within aqueous phases of living system, although is constantly encountered in animals, plants and microorganisms (Kosower NS et al 1978 , Meister A et al 1976, Kidd PM et al 1991 and Lomaestro BM et al, 1995). Glutathione exists intracellularly in two forms in either reduced form or oxidized form which can be an antioxidant in reduced form (GSH) and sulphur-sulphur bond compound called glutathione disulphide (GSSG) in the oxidized form. Sensitive indicator of oxidative stress is the ratio of the reduced form (GSH)/ oxidized form (GSSG) which is also important in cell functioning in the organisms. Biosynthesis, Metabolism, and Utilization The homeostatical control status of glutathione by continuous self adjusting to equilibrate GSH production, its reprocessing from GSSG and its usage is a function of enzymes such as GSH synthetase, GSH reductase, peroxidises, transferases, transhydrogenases and transpeptidases. Cysteinyl moiety is the functional element of glutathione that provides the thiol reactive group which is liable for the sustenance of protein structure and functions through proteins disulfide linkages reduction, controlling of production and breakdown of protein, sustenance of immune function, defence against oxidative injury, removal of reactive chemicals. The metabolism and function of glutathione is directly decided by structural elements of glutathione which are ÃŽ ³-carboxyl peptide linkages of glutamate and C-terminal glycine presence. All mammalian cells produces GSH (Meister and Tate, 1976) and major site of biosynthesis is the liver ( Deleve and Kaplowitz, 1991). The production of GSH occurs in the cytosol of cell and its breakdown takes place outside the cell; production involves a two phase reaction catalyzed by GSH synthetase and ÃŽ ³-glutamylcysteine synthetase that uses two moles of adenosine triphosphate(ATP) per one mole of GSH while the breakdown are catalyzed by ÃŽ ³-glutamyl transpeptidase and dipeptidases present on the top surface of epithelial tissues. The first phase is under the influence negative feedback from its end product, GSH (Richman and Meister, 1975). The blockage of the regulatory site of the enzymes by excess glutamate can partially prevent feedback inhibition (Meister, 1984; Meister and Anderson, 1983; Richman and Meister, 1975). The limiting factor after the utilization of GSH and loss of feedback inhibition is the availability of cysteine. The breakdown products of GSH S-conjugates and GSH are the same (glutamate, glycine, and cysteine) and are also metabolized by same degradative enzymes which metabolized GSH and the products can be reabsorbed int o the cell for GSH production. Intracellular N-acetyltransferases can acetylate cysteine S-conjugates on the amino group of residue of cysteinyl to form mercapturic acids (N-acetylcysteine S-conjugates) which are released into the circulation or bile (Hinchman et al., 1991). ÃŽ ³-glutamyl cyclotransferase is responsible for the change of excess ÃŽ ³-glutamylcysteine accumulation, in the absence of its change to GSH which can result to 5-oxoproline and 5-oxoproline accumulation has harmful effect because of metabolic acidosis. REDOX AND CELLULAR REGULATORY ROLE OF GSH GSH Peroxidases and phospholipid hydroperoxide GSH peroxidases are antioxidant enzymes which uses glutathione has an important cofactor although GSH peroxidases exist in both selenium-dependent and non-dependent forms ( Zhang L., 1989). GSH peroxidases acts by reacting hydrogen peroxide and other peroxides with GSH in water phase to detoxify them while peroxides produced in cell membranes and lipophilic cell phase are detoxified by phospholipid hydroperoxide GSH peroxidases using GSH (Cathcart RF III., 1985). GSH can also be used by GSH transhydrogenases as a cofactor in the reconversion of dehydroascorbate to ascorbate, ribonucleotides to deoxyribonucleotides and interconversion occurring between disulphide and thiol group. GSH reducing power source is the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate(NADPH) in reduced form which is from the pentose phosphate shunt that glutathione reductase uses as a source of electron in the reprocessing of GSSG to GSH (Cathcart RF III., 1985) and i ndicative of increased risk of oxidative injury in subjects unable to produce enough NADPH due to GSH insufficiency. Vitamin E and carotenoids which are lipid-phase antioxidant can be conserved by GSH reducing power ability (Meister A et al, 1994). There are two pools of GSH in liver which are the cytosolic GSH and mitochondrial GSH; the first has a half-life of 2-4 hours and the second half-life is about 30hours (Meister A et al, 1995). There are various disorders associated with two enzymes involved in the two phase synthesis of GSH which include peripheral neuropathy, haemolytic anaemia, aminoaciduria, CNS function defects, myopathy, spinocerebellar degeneration in inherited deficiency individuals (Meister A, Larsson A., 1995). Kosower NS. et al,. 1978 discovered the essential role of GSH in cellular homeostasis and various cellular functions; biological processes such as cell maturation, protein synthesis, transmembrane transport, intermediary metabolism, enzyme catalysis and re ceptor action. Ondarza RN. , 1989 also observed that redox uniqueness are essential to life process with many vital enzymes and about eight taking part in glucose metabolism being regulated by redox balance (2 thiol group and disulphide). Intracellular sulfhydryl (-SH) groups of proteins are mainly pro-homeostatically regulated by GSH (Crane FL. et al,. 1988). The whole range of biomolecules are protected by combination of the reducing power of glutathione with other antioxidants and ascorbate, which also helps in regulating their function, and to assist the survival and maximum functioning of the cell as a living unit. Metallothioneins are proteins which can bind with heavy metals and potential sulfhydryl poisons due to glutathiones reducing power and its -SH character that set the redox stage and also speed up their removal from the body later (Hidalgo J. et al,. 1990). The redox state of many cellular environments are fine- tune homeostatically by glutathione reducing power. GSH plays a central role in the antioxidant defense system that protects against various free radicals and oxidative stressors which its exposed to regularly (Cross CE, Halliwell B, Borish ET, et al. 1987). The exogenous oxidative insults tends to be more easily controlled by GSH. SYSTEMIC ANTITOXIN ROLE OF GSH Organs like lungs, intestines, kidneys and liver which are directly exposed to exogenous toxins are often important to GSH, although high concentration of GSH in lower section of lungs helps neutralize inhaled toxins (cigarette smoke) and free radicals made by activated lung phagocytes (Lomaestro BM et al, 1995; Cross CE, Halliwell B, Borish ET, et al, 1987). The detoxification of substances foreign to body is mainly by the liver and also carries GSH to other organs. The activity of GSH transferase enzymes (GSTs) drains GSH in normal functioning liver while malnutrition or starvation depletes liver GSH stores (Deleve LD, Kaplowitz N. 1990; Mandl J, et al,. 1995). The electron-donating co-factor of GSTs is GSH due to definite specificity its has for it, although GSTs have fairly wide specificity for their substrates. GSH plays a fair considerable role in liver P450 conjugation activity which is responsible for about 60% of liver metabolites present in bile but GSH conjugation is certa inly of full advantage to organism though it is not positive in every circumstance. There are different classes of xenobiotics that induce P450 enzymes which produce more toxic GSH conjugates than the parent xenobiotics ( Monks TJ, et al,. 1994). Depletion of liver pool of GSH can decrease conjugation and increase xenobiotics toxicity for example are Tylenol ® (experimental acetaminophen) and bromobenzene toxicity (Kidd PM. 1985). Glutathione and also glutathione S-transferase plays important role in the regulation of both acute and chronic chemical toxicity in the lung (west et al., 2003). Detoxification function of glutathione is dependent on the ability of its synthesis in the lungs and the cellular localization (plopper et al., 2001b, West et al., 2000). In human liver, the pulmonary glutathione S-transferase activity is about 30% while in the rodents liver, it is 5-15% (Buckpitt and Cruikshank, 1997). The distribution of isoforms of glutathione S-transferase varies in the lun gs. The result of polymorphisms expression in humans and potential for similarity of this with cancer of the lungs, particularly in smokers, makes glutathione transferase a focus point of acute interest. There are equilibrium systems working between enzymes, that is a decrease in one enzymes can cause an increase in another enzymes at the same time; the location and balance of all the enzymes determines toxicity. CONCLUSION Glutathione functions in the body are numerous which include neutralization of free radicals and reactive oxygen compounds, sustaining exogenous antioxidant in their reduced forms (Vitamins E and C). It also plays important role in diverse metabolic and biochemical reactions for example enzymes activation, DNA synthesis and repair, amino acid transport, protein synthesis, prostaglandin synthesis etc. In the immune system, glutathione manifest full potential by adjusting antigen being presented to lymphocytes which might influence formation of cytokine, resulting in formation of cellular or humoral responses, magnitude of responses are increased by promoting lymphocytes production, thereby causing promotion of killing activity of cytotoxic T cells and NK cells and regulating apoptosis; thus sustaining control of immune system. REFERENCES Buckpitt AR, Cruikshank MK: Biochemical function of the respiratory tract: Metabolism of Xenobiotics, in Sipes IG, Mc Queen CA, Gandolfi JA (eds.): Comprehensive Toxicology, Vol 8, Toxicology of the respiratory system. Oxford: Elsevier Science, 1997, pp 159-186. 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Friday, September 20, 2019

The Crime Prevention Triangle Explination Criminology Essay

The Crime Prevention Triangle Explination Criminology Essay In this unit, we will explore specific and general crime prevention approaches and strategies, employed to reduce and control the occurrence of crime in the society. The role of the citizen and the community will be differentiated from the role of the state through the institutions of the criminal justice system. Unit Objectives To appreciate the need for citizen participation. To discuss the role of the Police. To describe the role of Policy Makers. To examine the methods used by the criminal justice system to influence reform and rehabilitation. To analyze at least four approaches to crime prevention employed by the criminal justice system. Readings and Online Resources Reid, Oral (1998) Community Policing: A Philosophical Approach to the Study of Community Building. Reid, Oral. Policing by Consent. The Copper 97 Vol. 1 No. 1 Session 4.1 Community Crime Prevention Approaches Learning Objectives: By the end if this session the student should be able to: Define the elements of the crime prevention triangle Discuss the elements of the crime prevention triangle Describe the crime prevention triangle Define the roles of the elements in the crime prevention triangle Discuss the participation of the elements in the crime prevention triangle Understand the need for citizen participation. Appreciate the role of individual and community groups in the prevention of crime. Explain the need for the Crime Prevention Practitioners in building a community team Introduction In this session we will examine specific crime prevention approaches intended to highlight the critical role of the citizen, the police and policymakers in their effort to address crime control or reduction both at the local level of the community and the state in general. The Crime Prevention Triangle Figure 4:1 The Community Crime Prevention Triangle Effective crime prevention requires a closer relationship between the police, policy makers, and the community at large. It is necessary for all sides to open lines of communication and work to define their respective roles in such a way that they understand their responsibilities to the overall cooperative effort. The task of bringing these key sectors of the community together is not easy neither can one be effective without the other. The challenge is often that each sector has specific viewpoints that appear to be inconsistent with the needs and expectations of others in the triangle. For instance, the police have traditionally been one of the most closed groups in Caribbean society. This position has been influenced by several factors among which are the following; Police Forces in the region boost a paramilitary in structure; Many of the social and professional problems they encounter cannot be discussed with persons outside their profession; and the nature of police work frequently confines them to persons working within their respective formations. The factors listed all support a growing trend towards police isolation from the people they are intended to serve. On the other hand, most citizens have very limited knowledge of police work. Such views are often further distorted by television programmes that suggest glamorous and unrealistic means of solving crimes and social disorder. Hence a typical citizens impression of the police is associated with issuing traffic tickets, or arresting felons. The citizen is not likely to be in a pleasant mood in either of these circumstances, and frequently learns to associate officers with enforcement and authority. The police spend most of their time dealing with the less desirable elements of Caribbean society inasmuch as they deal with suspects and vagrants on a regular basis, and sometimes tend to associate the uncooperative behaviour of these elements with the general public. It is not uncommon for the police to threat with suspicion volunteers who want to aid in the management of crime. Politicians or policymakers are given labels that hold them up to public scrutiny and ridicule. Views expressed during heated campaigns or unrealistic expectations by the public that an official has the power to wave a magic wand and cure the ills of society have served to strain the relationship between the elected officials and their constituents. All of the above realities show that each side of the triangle has an important part to play in the community crime prevention process but that there are challenges which, if not carefully managed could deepen the divide between each sector. The strength of a triangle depends on strong linkages. If one of these three groups does not participate, the chances for success will be seriously diminished. Defining the Roles in the Crime Prevention Triangle Citizen and Community Participation The need for citizen participation in community crime prevention is critical to the establishment of a crime-free society. Two essential ingredients are a well-trained police force and an informed and cooperative citizenry. It is often the case that too few citizens have made a commitment to actually participation. Participation in community crime prevention efforts is not merely desirable but necessary. Police and crime prevention specialists alone cannot control crime; they need all the help the community can give them. Despite the later there seems to be an irreversible trend, in recent years, towards less involvement by citizens and increased responsibilities being delegated to the police. Increased specialization in various police forces coupled with increased taxation has encouraged citizens to look to the police, as professionals, to assume the responsibility of community safety. Subsequently, calls for service to the average law enforcement agency have increased steadily as citizens looked for assistance, not only with criminal matters but also for a wide range of service endeavours, such as invitations to speak to the wayward boy or girl that failed to comply with house rules, retrieving trapped cats and dogs and transporting mental patients to the hospital for treatment. It would be r easonable to assume that as much as 80 percent of police calls relate to noncriminal conduct as opposed to actual investigation or the apprehension of criminals. Community ranges from isolated individuals to diverse community groups. The levels of expertise vary from novice to accomplished professionals. The motivation to participate is as diverse as the community itself. Yet the secret to changing public attitudes and ultimately behaviour lies within this vast and primarily untapped resource. The following are various levels of involvement in crime prevention efforts with which citizens feel comfortable and choose to identify. It is helpful to first look at the role an individual can play, and then expand the base for involvement to group roles or collective citizen action. The Role of the Individual Practitioners know that a vast majority of a communitys population does not belong to an identifiable group but still participates in a wide range of activities. These citizens have concerns regarding crime and should be reached and encouraged to participate in crime prevention programmes as individuals. A few of the ways an individual can participate include: 1. Contributing volunteer time to programme efforts 2. Being an advocate for crime prevention concepts 3. Reporting suspicious activities to the police 4. Taking initiatives to practice opportunity reduction strategies at home/work and while moving about the community, such as: a. installing secure, deadbolt locks b. providing good security lighting c. trimming shrubbery away from doors and windows d. always locking car doors and windows e. using common sense and awareness when traveling alone f. marking all valuables with a personal identification number g. not carrying or displaying large amount of cash h. avoiding walking alone after dark Activity: Crime Prevention Tips View the Youtube videos below, they offer some useful crime prevention tips for individuals Activity 4:1 Collective Citizen and Group Roles: The communitys role is strengthened when group initiatives are added to individual citizen initiatives. If Crime prevention is to be effective in improving quality of life, the role of the community-at-large must be expanded to include supportive efforts from a broad base of existing private sector groups-businesses, industries, churches, etc. within a jurisdiction. Organized groups such as the Chamber of Commerce, P.T.A., Scouts, Girls Guides, Kiwanis, Womens Clubs, and Church Groups lend their support to community crime prevention programming and bring with them an existing pool of volunteer time, talent, energy, and the additional clout and resources of established organizations. They also bring with them the organizational goals, policies, and procedures, resolutions on community issues, and reputation that may or may not precisely fit everyone elses agenda. The role these groups must play is sometimes difficult to define and mobilize, and always difficult to manage. Yet it is vitally important to reach and involve citizens within their own context. The task is to reach people where they are and with the tools they are accustomed to using. This does not simply mean that everyone has to join Neighbourhood Watch Programmes. It does mean that every citizen can participate in crime prevention doing whatever a citizen is a part of-Boys Clubs, a tenants organization, the insurance industry etc. The trick to citizen involvement is to provide them hope within their own familiar environments. The experiences gained in community crime prevention programmes across the Caribbean region have helped define the following points in the community-at- large role: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The community at large must accept the responsibility for organizing a community crime prevention programme. They have the biggest stake-and ultimately they have more to lose than either the law enforcement or policymaker segments. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The community must identify committed leadership for an organized crime prevention effort. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The community must provide the necessary resources (time and funds) for the leadership to receive basic crime prevention training. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The community must plan organized training for other volunteers in the program. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The citizens must identify the problems of the community through cooperative efforts with law enforcement agencies, using such tools as surveys, opinion polls, and actual crime data. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The members of the community must plan a coordinated approach to crime prevention efforts by designing and matching projects to the interests of various volunteer groups. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The leaders must establish an effective mechanism for outreach and input so various groups know what others are doing. This will help ensure coordination, and is frequently termed networking. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The community group must solicit commitments from various groups supporting crime prevention efforts to ensure programme continuity. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The group organizers must provide opportunities for all groups or individuals to participate in the community-wide programmes (while allowing groups to retain their separate identity). à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The group organizers must establish an ongoing process of obtaining and assessing project information for evaluation purposes to aid further decision-making. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The organizers must identify and obtain resources to properly fund a sustained crime prevention effort. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The leaders of the crime prevention unit must facilitate the wise use of collective citizen power to influence public policies that promote crime prevention concepts. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The community group must serve as a strong advocate for increased communication between the various segments forming the crime prevention triangle. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The groups must ensure the participation of the media as a partner in the total community crime prevention programme. Community volunteers have learnt much about their role in crime prevention during the last decade. Their role will become even more clearly defined through the next decade as volunteers acquire additional knowledge in organizing and maintaining community crime prevention programmes. Police Participation The attitudes of the citizens towards the police service are generally inconsistent. The police are appreciated when they are needed but often feared because they are perceived as the states representatives of power and authority. The reality is that only rarely is the real nature of the police service broadcast and very rarely is the man inside the uniform understood or known. Yet we understand his role to be critical. What is generally agreed is that when faced with trouble, people expect quick police response and victims want and expect the effective service of a professional. Based on the wide range of service demands there is little wonder that both citizens and police alike are sometimes unclear about the definition of the role of the police in the prevention rather than the detection of crime. The following points are essential: The police are not separate from the people. They draw their authority from the will and consent of the people. The police are the state appointed instruments through which citizens can achieve and maintain public order. Police officers are decision makers and often decide whether to arrest, to make a referral, to seek prosecution, or to use force. Police officers are just as accountable for their decisions as the magistrate or judge is for decisions deliberated for months. The police officer must understand complex cultural and social problems and relationships to be efficient and effective. A police officer is a part of and not apart from: a. The community served b. The criminal justice system that determines what course society will pursue to deter lawbreakers or rehabilitate offenders in the interest of public order c. The government that provides the formal base of authority. The police officer initiates the criminal justice process through arrest of suspects and can be held accountable where they fail to take action. The police are the criminal justice element in closest contact with the public (and therefore are frequently blamed for failures in other parts of the system). The police are helpless to control crime without the cooperation of a substantial portion of the people. The role of the police thus becomes: to anticipate that crime will occur when risks are high, to recognize when a high-crime risk exists to appraise the seriousness of the particular risk to initiate action to remove or reduce the risk. Educational, technical and supportive resource- an enabler rather than a primary doer. The police role in crime prevention strategies should: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Utilize the patrol function to create and maintain efforts to identify and arrest suspects à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Serve as a source for public information and training regarding crime prevention programs à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Coordinate crime prevention activities in their respective jurisdictions à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Share information with the public gathered through police data analysis capabilities concerning the kinds of crime and the methods being used by perpetrators against citizens à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Take initiative to develop organized crime prevention functions within each department Policymakers Participation Many earlier efforts to establish crime prevention programmes carefully skirted the issues of assessing the role of the public sector or seeking to involve the policymakers. This hesitancy was brought about in part because notions of crime prevention were seen as new and untested and hadnt been accepted as a viable response to long-standing social and economic problems. Very few programmes have been able to document specific successes in actually demonstrating a reduction of crime. Additionally, some communities had experiences with receiving political support for crime prevention programmes during the course of a political election, only to be quietly swept under the rug when elections were over and the difficult job of meeting budgets was underway in the face of declining resources. Slowly, isolated experiences surfaced that demonstrated a positive relationship between renew citizen participation in crime prevention/opportunity reduction programmes and a lower residential burglary or vandalism rate in neighbourhoods. Policymakers were willing to take a closer look. Such closer scrutiny led in Barbados to the establishment of the National Task Force on Crime Prevention in June 1996. This agency collaborates with the Royal Barbados Police Force on the analysis of national crime statistics and initiate programmes aimed at reducing crime in selected residential communities. In 1968 in the United States of America, Congress established a legislative priority and provided monetary resources to jurisdictions for mounting crime prevention efforts and funded them through the Justice Department Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA). Activity: A Caribbean Perspective The aforementioned has been the American experience. Can you think of ways this approach can be adapted to match the Caribbean reality appropriate for your country. Post your suggestions in the discussion forum and react to suggestions posed by your classmates. Activity 4:2 As a result of this increased interest by officials in the public sector and the interaction within communities, there is now a more clearly defined role of the policymakers in the community crime prevention process. Practitioners are confident that this role will continue to evolve and clarify over time, but for the present, I offer the following points on the role of the policymaker: 1. Provides leadership in setting public policy that establishes a jurisdiction-wide crime prevention programme. 2. Encourages coordination and cooperation between government agencies to maximize existing resources and avoid duplication of efforts. 3. Develops and adopts building security codes. 4. Actively promotes opportunity reduction practices for public owned properties, such as: a. marking all valuables with property identification numbers b. providing adequate, security lighting c. installing deadbolt locking devices 5. Promotes crime prevention education and training for employees within the public sector. 6. Provides financial support for crime prevention programmes. 7. Publicly supports crime prevention programmes to encourage other groups and individuals to participate. 8. Designates a permanent public agency to serve as an organizational base for crime Prevention programmes. 9. Demonstrates a long-term commitment to crime prevention by passing a formal resolution to sanction the crime prevention programme. 10. Requires accountability of programme efforts. The Crime Prevention Practitioner: Building a Community Team Even after the various elements within a community have a basic understanding of their role and responsibilities in a community crime prevention effort, there still remains vital work to be done in order to establish a promising crime prevention programme in a community. Much effort has been virtually wasted in the past as various groups go about well-meaning attempts to establish programmes for prevention without a coordinated approach. Likewise, a community crime prevention team doesnt just happen. The various elements that exist in your community must be linked together before any game plan can be written. This task requires specific attention. One or more individuals must be identified to play the coaching role and to mold representatives from various sides of the triangle into a working team. These specialists are called crime prevention practitioners. Who are they and what do they do? Practitioners across the country represent a wide cross-section of our population. Some are criminal justice professionals, some are elected officials. Many are business people, school teachers, or civic club volunteers. Crime prevention practitioners sometimes volunteer while others arc elected. In either case, they play a significant role in the community crime prevention process. A profile of successful practitioners would include: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ willingness to contribute a significant amount of time to crime prevention efforts à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ the enthusiasm to motivate others à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ a basic knowledge of the criminal justice system à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ a comprehensive understanding of the concepts of crime prevention and the ability to teach and advise others . . à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ capability of assessing skills and resources within the community à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ the ability to relate to all interested groups and match these interests to the overall program effort à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ the expertise to facilitate links that achieve a coordinated approach to programming à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ good organizational skills à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ an understanding of the nature of the political process and the guidance that enables public support to be translated through decision-makers into public policy Above all, the successful practitioner will possess two primary attributes: COMMITMENT to the cause, and the PERSISTENCE to continue the commitment over time in the face of obstacles that are sure to arise. Activity: Mini Investigation Identify and categorize the crime prevention practitioners in your territory. Report your findings to the course coordinator or tutor. Activity 4:3 Summary: In this session we have examined specific crime prevention strategies focused around the crime prevention triangle. In this session we highlighted the critical roles of individuals as a sub-sect of organizations, at one end of the continuum and the community as whole. The role of the police, and policy makers were also highlighted as essential to the construction of good crime prevention policy and practice. In the next session we will look at the role of the criminal justice system in the control of crime and acts of unsocial behaviour.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Determined Victor Jimmy Connors :: Essays Papers

The Determined Victor Jimmy Connors The Determined Victor What is a hero? A hero is someone who has achieved many goals in their life; someone admired for his impressive exploits; or someone who shows tremendous courage. A hero controls a great deal of power of authority, or strong influence over others. When people envision a hero, they usually think of a champion, a paragon, a conqueror, or a celebrity. Jimmy Connors represented all these qualities. He displayed power when he was on the tennis court, and he asserted his force off the court. Mr. Connors is a dominant, influential powerhouse. A champion was born unknowingly on September 2, 1952. A child was born to rise above his comrades. He was born James Scott Connors after his father. From the time he was barely three years old, no one could tell that little Jimmy was going to be a champion. Destined for glory his mother and grandmother knew that for Jimmy to be great he would have to work extremely hard. So everyday until Jimmy was a teenager his mother and grandmother would drill him with tennis balls, seeing early that he had tremendous talent. Small for his age, Jimmy had to make up for it somehow. So while other children his age played with toys or watched T.V., Jimmy would be out on the tennis court working on his game. Jimmy wanted to be the best. He knew that his success depended on his speed and his technique. Jimmy worked like a demon to make up for the difference. By age 8, Jimmy was skillful enough to enter into tournaments, and he made a good showing in them. Jimmy did not win his first tournament until he was in the ten-year-old competition. The losses only gave him determination and the wins only gave humbleness. Jimmy Connors, a paragon of all sorts, had an unconquerable spirit. Jimmy knew that he had to be himself out on the tennis courts if he wanted to succeed. At times in Jimmy’s career, he was known as a spoiled brat for his cocky attitude. He was often called â€Å"mouth†. He had this spirit ever since he was a young boy. Being the smaller kid of his age group, he had to have something to hold onto.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

How The Movie A Few Good Men And The Play Antigone Found Honor In What

It is not uncommon for the Civil Law to conflict with Honor. This means that the laws of people, jobs, countries, and duties usually establish a problem with the glory, or respect of people and their self-will, because there are different views of something on each side. This statement is true because many aspects of life involve standing up for what you believe in, while going against the laws of what you have to follow, even though the civil people don’t have any patience for any excuses. In the play Antigone by Sophicles, and the movie A Few Good Men, by Aaron Sorkin, Antigone, Dawson and Downy stand up for what they think is right at that moment, and go against the laws they were to follow. The Greek Tragic Hero Antigone is characterized as a person with great honor and has a conflict with going against the civil law under Creon, and not burying Polynices. Polynices was a traitor to Thebes and was killed in war against his brother Eteocles. Antigone, Eteocles’s and Polynices’s sister wanted to give Polynices a proper burial. Antigone buried Polynices twice and was caught the second time due to her screaming and crying. â€Å"There is no shame in honoring my brother (Antigone line 430),† it is true that Antigone stood up for what she believed in, even though there were consequences of dying. Perhaps the honor that you have inside of you is more important than the laws that are created for you. Creon, the King of Thebes did not like the fact that Antigone, Creon’s own niece, w...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Design Argument – as Level

Outline the Key Concepts of the Design Argument [21 marks] The design argument is also referred to at the Teleological Argument stemmed from the Greek work ‘Telos’ meaning end or purpose. It is an ‘A posterior’ argument (from experience) based on our empirical senses and it is synthetic meaning that it is from observation. The argument is also inductive meaning there a number of possible conclusions. The main basis of the Teleological argument is based on a designer commonly known as ‘the classical God of theism’ (hereafter referred to as God)The outline of the design argument is that the universe has order and purpose and is regular, the complexities of the universe demonstrate some form of design, a design requires a designer, and this designer is God. This however is an inductive leap meaning that the Design argument is valid but not sound. The key concepts of the argument are that the universe has order, there are laws and regularities, the universe has purpose, and therefore the objects in the universe appear to work towards and end or purpose.The universe has benefit, meaning that it provides all that is necessary for life and more and finally, the suitability for human life, as the Universe provides ideal environments and conditions for human life to exist and flourish. Like the cosmological argument, the design argument goes back to Plato, who stated that the human body, with all its particles and elements, must owe its origin to ‘the royal mind soul and mind in the nature of Zeus’.The theory of the Design argument was first put forward by Socrates who was a Greek Philosopher who lived in 400 BC, one of the main strengths of Socrates proposing this theory is this means it is a Pre Christian idea and also that it has withstood the test of time. Socrates said ‘With such signs of forethought in the design of living creatures how can there be any doubt that they are the work of choice or design. â₠¬â„¢ Thomas Aquinas who lived in the 13th century furthered the idea of Socrates Design Argument; he wrote a book called the ‘Summa Theologica’ and was strongly influenced by Aristotle.Aquinas rejected the possibility of an infinite regress of movers and causes to explain the existence of movers and causes to explain the existence of mutable beings. Aquinas proposed 5 ways to prove the existence of God, the unmoved mover, the uncaused case, Possibility and Necessity, Goodness Truth and Nobility and the Teleological Argument. He called these the fifth way and is ‘’from the governance of things’’. Aquinas also proposed the theory of design qua regularity, ‘That we call God’.Aquinas maintained that since such behaviour patterns rarely change, and their end result is beneficial, there must be a purpose to them, and if non-rational beings can work towards such a goal, something must be directing them to do so. ‘Now whatever lacks knowledge cannot move towards an end, unless directed, and this being we call God. ’ He also championed the Analogy of the arrow directed by the archer showing that in order for something to end somewhere, there must be someone causing the movement, the arrow could not have ended us on the board on its own.William Paley, an 18th Century Philosopher continued to develop the principles of the Design argument, showing many more extended features to Socrates original concept. Paley championed the theory of design qua purpose and that a design requires a designer. ‘’The world is too complex and well-designed to have come about by chance. It seems to have been planned by an intelligent mind for a special purpose. ’’ For Paley, the world is like a machine made up of intricate parts, all of which worked towards an end for the benefit of the whole. Paley proposed the analogy of the watch and the watch maker. ’Suppose you had never seen a watch before . One day when you are out walking, you find one on the ground. You would instantly see how complex it is. ’’ His theory was that if you came across a watch then it is so intricate therefore it must have been designed. Therefore the universe is so fine-tuned that there must have been a designer for this too. It is obvious that both are not there by chance. Another analogy for this is the eye is designed so well for the purpose of seeing. A designer gave each part of the universe a special purpose. Paley makes the inductive leap to say that this designer is God.The Anthropic principle is a key feature of the Design argument and suits the theory of Design qua Regularity proposed by F. R. Tennant showing that science and religion are one in the same. He argues that human life flourishes on earth, therefore there must have been a supreme designer, that designer being God. Tennant accepts the scientific reasoning of evolution as a fine balance of ‘’fine tuningà ¢â‚¬â„¢Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ and God’s chosen way to support life. Tennant also argues that ‘’the world could so easily have been chaotic’’ and that ‘’the universe is not chaotic, nature is the outcome of intelligent design. ’ Others argue that the earth runs so smoothly and everything works together therefore ‘’The world is compatible with a single throw of a dice and common sense is not foolish in suspecting the dice has been loaded’’ cited by Vardy. James Lovelock of the 20th century furthered the anthropic principle in ways of the Gaia Hypothesis, ‘’engineering on a planetary scale’’ cited by Vardy. He suggests that the oxygen content in the air, the salt content in the sea and the temperature of the earth are all precise in order for human life to flourish.If the oxygen content in the air were to be 12% less no fire would be able to burn, if the oxygen content were 25% more, then no f ire would ever go out, however over the last 25 million years, the oxygen content has remained at 21% which is perfect to sustain human life. One other person who championed the idea of the Anthropic principle is Arthur Brown from the 20th century, he says that science shows the way in which a designer chose to design, †The ozone gas layer is mighty proof of the creators forethought†¦ Just the right thickness and exactly the correct defence, gives evidence of a plan. ‘ However there are two type of Anthropic principle, the weak Anthropic principle states that conditions on the earth were such that human life adapted to the conditions, for example evolution. The strong anthropic principle revolves around conditions being set up for human life to be introduced, for example a Baby's nursery being all ready for the baby to be introduced into it. In 1986 Freeman Dyson said â€Å"in the universe there are many accidents of physics and astronomy that have worked together for our benefit, it almost seems as if the universe knew we were coming. The weak anthropic principle however states that human life adapted to the conditions of the earth, for example, by way of evolution. This does not eliminate that Evolution means that there was no divine power involved, in the 19th century Archbishop Temple stated â€Å"The doctrine of evolution leaves the argument for an intelligent creator†¦ stronger than it was before. † In the 20th century, Tennant worked alongside Taylor in proposing the aesthetic principle which observes that the universe possess a natural beauty that goes beyond that which is necessary to live.For example art, literature, music all contribute in making the world a nicer place for us to live, we would be able to live without these things however F. R Tennant observes that ‘Nature is not just beautiful in places it is saturated with beauty†¦ from an intelligent point of view beauty seems to be superfluous to have lit tle survival value. ‘ Another example of the aesthetic principle is shown within people and the example of Weary Dunlop, cited by Vardy. Weary Dunlop was an Australian Doctor during World War II who cared for thousands of injured soldiers who showed endless compassion and love.This example shows that humans are not selfish, leading to an intelligent designer creating some humans to have beauty beyond what is necessary. Franciscan Theology also supports the aesthetic principle and stresses the idea of beauty and the beauty within creation; this therefore leads to a direct pointer of God's nature, showing an omnibenevolent and numinous experience. In the 20th century Richard Swinburne furthered the argument of God due to that of Design, by developing the argument of probability as a key concept.He furthered a statement made by Socrates, ‘with such signs of forethought in the design of living creature, how can there be doubt that they are the work of choice or design. †™ Swinburne suggested that the evidence of design and the order in the universe increases the probability of the existence of God. He states that a belief in God is compatible with science. This is due to the theory that without a designer the universe could have been chaotic, the universe seems to be governed therefore order is present, order is more probable and the probability for design is much greater than that of chance.Swinburne uses the parable of the card shuffling machine to show that if a man was locked in a room with 10 card shuffling machines and unless the ten machines all chose an ace of hearts from each of the packs, he would die, however the machine chooses an ace of hearts from each pack. Swinburne says it would not be adequate for the victim to claim that no explanation of the draw is required here. You would have expected the card machines to have been designed that way as the chances of this happening are seemingly almost impossible.Swinburne uses this parable to even say that ‘’the very succession of science is showing us how deeply ordered the natural world is’’ and that ‘’science provides strong grounds for believing that there is a deeper cause in that order. ’’ Harold Morowitz thought that the chances of the universe being ordered in such a way would be the equivalent of throwing four billion penny pieces into the air and all of them landing ‘heads up’. William Ockham developed the theory of Ockham’s razor, and even though not specifically to do with the design argument, he states that ‘’the simplest explanation is usually the best explanation’.Fred Hoyle continued Swinburne’s probability as a way of explaining a need for a designer by proposing that the probability that the universe developed by chance is much the same as if a whirlwind flew threw and junkyard and assembling a Boeing 747. Even though Kant rejects the idea of the des ign argument he even states that ‘it is the oldest, the clearest and most accordant with the common reason of mankind’ and that ‘this proof always deserves to be mentioned with respect’. b. Comment on the view that the strengths outweigh the weaknesses [9 marks]The teleological argument contains many opponents who have found weaknesses within its theory. Epicurus, a Greek Philosopher devised the Epicuran Hypothesis, stating that the universe has come about only by chance and that a number of particles floating around in space, at some point these particles formed together to create a universe, due to there being enough time for the combination of particles to make a universe. He rejects Swinburne’s theory of probability and believes that the chaotic state, by chance, led to order.Sarah Tyler explains this theory in ways of monkeys and typewriters in saying that if an ‘infinite number of monkeys’ were to be given an ‘infinite amount of typewriters’, in time they would eventually ‘produce the entire works of Shakespeare’. However, in my opinion, judging by Epicuran Hypothesis and then Swinburne’s theory of probability, I believe that the strength of Swinburne’s argument outweighs that of Epicurus. Neither can be proven however with what humans know today, Swinburne’s development somewhat seems more probable in explaining how the universe began.I believe that the strengths in this case outweigh the weaknesses of the design argument. The main critic of the Design argument was David Hume in the 18th century, who was an empiricist, therefore based all his arguments of proof. He does not reject the idea of God, however fails to make the inductive leap from having a designer to that designer being God. He says that ‘the world was only the first rude essay of some infant deity who abandoned it afterwards. ’ Hume believes that if there is a God that this God is not necessarily what humans assume him to be, if he is even still in existence.Hume also believes that there could have been a ‘co-operative of lesser god. ’ For example a man who claims he builds his own house does not actually build it but requires others to do the work for him, e. g. a carpenter, electrician. Hume states that humans ‘assume’ what is going on outside the world and beyond, yet we cannot know. Another rejection of the design argument from Hume is that he says the world around us is not perfect yet religious believers claim that God is perfect and unlimited in every way, therefore if a perfect God designed the world, why isn’t it perfect?Hume then furthered his rejection of the Design argument by refuting the use of analogies by saying that they are unsound because God is beyond human understanding therefore anyone who uses Analogies is supporting anthropomorphism and likening God to a human or object, therefore making God less divine. Hu me also says that the world is natural like an animal or vegetables, it is organic and it grows changes and moves. Hume continues to say ‘the world is more organic than mechanic’, likening the world to a carrot. Hume does have many more criticisms on the Design Argument however his main problem with it is due to the inductive leap.Other criticisms of his include not assuming the laws of cause and effect. In my opinion, Hume’s argument for the weaknesses of the design argument is a very strong argument as he considers the theory of God when proposing his ideas. No other person has been able to challenge Hume’s criticism that if the world is not perfect then God cannot be omnipotent, omnibenevolent and omniscient, leading to a gap in the inconsistent triad of God. In my opinion I think that this weakness does have an impact on all other strengths as it is the only one hat I can definitely say is a valid argument and makes sense to me. Another person who oppo ses the Design argument is J. S. Mill in the 19th century, who furthered the work of Hume and goes contrary to the idea of the world being an ordered, beautiful and harmonious place. He looks at the problem of suffering and that as there is so much in the world, this goes against the idea of an all loving, all powerful God. He states that if there were a designer God, he would have control over cosmic forces. ‘’Go straight to their end without regarding whom or what they crush in their road. ’ In my opinion, this weakness is fairly strong as the problem of evil demonstrates a limited God. A God that is wholly good or wholly powerful would not have created evil therefore it has to be one or the other. JS Mill personally believes that this God is good but not all powerful. Charles Darwin of the 19th century, wrote the book ‘Origin of Species’ is another person who refutes the design argument and provided an alternative explanation for the design of wor ld without reference to God, this is the theory of evolution and natural selection, ‘the survival of the fittest. However, I believe that Darwin’s theory of evolution is a weak argument against the existence of a God as it can also be placed into the category of the weak anthropic principle as the way God chose to introduce human beings; however we adapted to the conditions over time. Therefore I believe that Paley as a proponent of the design argument, his theory of there being a designer to design the universe is a much stronger argument than Charles Darwin’s theory of Evolution as there is no explanation as to where evolution began in the first place, so ultimately no conclusion.Richard Dawkins of the 20th century argues that Natural Selection give the appearance of design however we are mistaken into believing that this shows there must be a designer. He opposes Swinburne and Tennant and Taylor and says that nature is random, meaning the world was formed by c hance. He says that ‘’Biology is God’’ and people are lazy therefore made up this ‘’God of the Gaps’’. He says there is ‘’no more evidence for God then there is the Easter Bunny’ and that ‘life has no purpose’ and ‘God is a superfluous hypothesis’.I believe that this weakness to disprove the Design argument is weak as there is no evidence and is trying to disprove one of the earliest theories by comparing it to the Easter Bunny, therefore I feel that this weakness does not outweigh any of the strengths. A. J Ayre as another opponent said ‘unless we can say what the world is like without design we cannot conclude design’. Kant furthered this by saying the world could be chaotic but we perceive it as being ordered.To conclude this argument, the design argument is a religiously ambiguous and Paul Davies makes this clear by stating ‘’this is really a question of your threshold of conviction. It has to be a matter of personal taste whether you regard the accumulated evidence as compelling enough to want to make that inductive leap. ’’ The design argument is eschatologically verifiable. Many people however still are not convinced yet do not reject the argument fully, for example John Wisdom’s parable of the Gardener showing that everyone has different opinions on how the world was designed and has been maintained.John Lesley also says that ‘’if rocks had made by God stamped on them we would know it is made by God – they don’t’ therefore we can’t know for sure. In conclusion to the question of strengths and weaknesses I feel that for me, the strengths, even, though there may be fewer than weaknesses, their principles outweigh the number of weaknesses. I personally think that the design argument cannot thoroughly prove the existence of God; however it gives a clear indicator to a des igner.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Killing animals for fur Essay

Picture living in horrible conditions your whole life, in a cramped cage with no food or water. Then all of a sudden you are dragged out from your cage, almost beaten to death then your skin is ripped off as you are taking your last breaths. Your carcass is then thrown into a pile with the rest of your fellow comrades like a piece of garbage. This may sound like a scene from a gory movie, but this is something that actually happens on a daily basis. Every year, millions of innocent animals are tortured and killed for the fur or skin off their backs. The fur industry is a cruel, heartless business that is bad for the environment and unnecessary. Every year, millions of animals are killed for the clothing industry. Whether they come from Chinese fur farms or Indian slaughterhouses, an immeasurable amount of suffering goes into every fur coat made. Eighty-five percent of the fur industry’s skin comes from animals on fur factory farms. More than half of the fur in the U.S. comes f rom China, where millions of the animals are victims of cruelty. In China environmental regulations are often ignored and there are no federal human slaughter laws to protect the animals on fur factory farms. One reason why I am against fur is because the industry is a cruel gruesome business.  Fur farming methods are specifically designed to maximize profits at the expense of an animal’s well being. Animals on fur farms include foxes, minks, rabbits, and even dogs and cats. They are forced to live in close confinement with up to five other animals in the cage and have no shelter protection from the weather. This causes them anxiety and often makes mothers kill their babies or other animals chew on their own limbs from all the rough handling and intense confinement. Since the workers are only concerned about the fur, the animals are hardly fed or given water; and when they are fed its unfit food like meat by-products. Many of the animals are also victims to diseases and pests because of all the filth they are forced to live in. If living like that isn’t miserable enough, the ways the animals are killed on fur farms is even worse. Unfortunately, there no humane slaughter la ws to protect the animals on fur farms, so killing methods are gruesome. Fur farmers are only worried about preserving the quality of the fur, so they use slaughter methods that cause the animals to  suffer immensely. Methods include gassing, electrocution and neck breaking; sometimes the animals are still alive when being skinned. Although most of the animals killed for their fur are raised on fur farms, millions of wolves, raccoons, bobcats and other fur bearing animals are killed every year by trappers for the clothing industry. They use various types of traps like snares, underwater traps, and steel jaw traps. A snare trap is made out of cable and shaped like a noose and when the animal steps on the cable it sweeps them up and hangs them. The more they struggle, the tighter the noose becomes, and if they are caught around the neck they will eventually strangle and die. Underwater traps are mostly used for beavers, muskrats, and minks. These traps are sometimes referred to as â€Å"drowning traps† and that’s exactly what they do. They prevent the animal from going up for air; it usually takes about nine minutes to drown them. A steel jaw trap slams shut on an animal’s limb when triggered. The initial impact causes an injury, but the majority of the damage is caused from the animal trying to break free. Animals caught in these traps will struggle in excruciating pain for hours and even resort to chewing off their trapped limbs in a desperate attempt to escape. The fact that an animal would severe their own limb shows how horrible it is to be caught in a trap. If a trapped animal isn’t killed from blood loss or infection, they are often killed by predators or hunters. If the animal is still alive by time the trapper gets there they are strangled, beaten, or stomped to death so their fur isn’t damaged. Every year many dogs, cats, and other animals including endangered species are injured or killed by traps. They are referred to as â€Å"trash animals† by trappers and are generally killed or thrown away since they have no value to them. Imagine your house pet being killed or injured because of a trap that was set. It shouldn’t happen to your pet or any other animal. Another reason why I am against fur is because it is bad for the environment. The fur industry may promote that its product is a â€Å"natural† fabric from a renewable resource, but there is nothing natural about clothing made from an animal†™s skin or fur. Fur is only a â€Å"natural fiber† when it is still intact on an animal’s back. Once an animal has been slaughtered and skinned, its fur must be â€Å"tanned† or treated in order to stop it from biodegrading. Tanning is an unnatural process that uses toxic chemicals including formaldehyde, chromium and many other dangerous chemicals to stabilize the  collagen fibers in animal’s skins to stop them from rotting. Using these harmful chemicals are serious environmental contaminants and the fur industry is very aware of it. The production of fur contributes to pollution, water contamination and it even leads to cancer. When it comes to the tanning process, the chemicals used are very damaging substances. They include coal tar derivatives, dyes, oils, and finishes, some of them are cyanide based too. In addition to all these toxic substances, tannery effluent also contains large amounts of pollutants such as acids, protein, hair, salt, lime sludge, and sulfides. Among the consequences of working with this waste is the threat to human health from the highly elevated levels of cyanide, lead, and formaldehyde. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention discovered that the incidence of leukemia among residents in an area surrounding a tannery in Kentucky was five times the national average. People who work in these fur production places are dying of cancer caused by exposure to dimethylformamide and other toxic chemicals used to process and dye the animal skins. The coal tar derivatives used are also an extremely potent cancer-causing agent. The tanning process also pollutes the air. In Denmark, more than fourteen million minks are killed each year for their fur and more that eight thousand pounds of ammonia is released into the atmosphere annually. Fur farms also produce massive amounts of animal waste that is all confined in one small area. For instance, each mink killed by fur farmers produces about forty-four pounds of feces in his or her lifetime. That adds up to one million pounds of feces produced yearly by U.S. mink farms alone. Animal wastes are high in nitrogen and phosphorous, so the waste in this instance would have nearly one thousand tons of phosphorus. When it rains and the waste washes downhill it wreaks havoc on rivers and streams. Other times the waste is left to soak into the soil and can contaminate the ground water. The nutrients in the waste lead to algae growth, which depletes the oxygen in the water. This can kill sensitive species of fish and make the water unsuitable to drink for humans. Many fur farmers have been fined for releasing waste into the environment and contaminating water supply. If you are not bothered with the killing of these animals, you should definitely be worried knowing the chemicals used in this industry can be harmful to you. My final reason for being against the fur industry is because it is completely unnecessary. Fur isn’t a necessity for survival everyone can live with it. Also, there are many other alternatives that are just as stylish and warm as real fur. Fabrics such as polyester and polyvinyl are common cruelty free materials used. Not only is the synthetic fur stylish, it’s also a whole lot cheaper than buying real fur. Faux fur is even more eco-friendly than real fur. In a study done by Gregory Smith he found that the production of a factory farmed fur coat required nearly twenty times more energy than the production of a faux fur coat. So there is a lot of gas and resources being used on an unethical and unnecessary product. Many celebrities have even taken a stand to never wear fur and promote what goes on in this industry. Even popular clothing designers and companies are starting to show compassion and remove fur from their garments. Forever21, Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein, and Tommy Hilfiger are some of many companies that converted to using faux fur. Some people may argue that the fur industry is ethical but after reading my claims, I hope it makes you think again. Some people that are okay with the killing of animals is simply because they don’t care. You might think that the life of an animal is meaningless but that doesn’t mean its okay for them to suffer. Animals experience pain and fear just like humans do. Many people may be okay with using cows for leather because we already kill them for their meat or using sheep for their wool, but when it comes to a fox there is absolutely no reason to just kill them for one thing and then trash their body. So in conclusion, killing animals for their fur is completely wrong. The fur industry is a cruel heartless business that is bad for the environment and is unnecessary. The industry is only concerned about maximizing profits and producing fur, they could care less about the animals well being. Animals don’t deserve to suffer just so you can wear them for fashion. If people stop buying fur then no one will sell it, so ultimately its up to the consumers who decide the fate of the fur industry. Animals don’t have a voice but we can speak up for them by spreading the word about the cruelty  and refusing to wear fur or buy it.